1. What is the mission of No Replica Bags?
- Our mission is to celebrate and elevate traditional craftsmanship by integrating the time-honored techniques of Black, Brown, and Indigenous artisans into luxurious handbags while promoting cultural heritage, respect, and empowerment. Read more on the Our Mission and Our Story pages!
2. Will the designs come back in stock?
- No, our designs are produced in very limited quantities. Each style is made in a batch of only up to 5 pieces, and once a batch is sold out, there is no guarantee that the same style will be produced again. If you find a design you love, we recommend purchasing it promptly to ensure you don’t miss out. Our bags are not to be replicated and are crafted to be unique while promoting sustainable production. Availability is offered on a first-come, first-served basis.
3. What is the meaning behind the name "No Replica Bags"?
- The name "No Replica Bags" reflects our commitment to originality and authenticity. In Spanish and other languages, the term "réplica" often refers to something fake, cheaply produced, or a copy of a more popular style or brand. By choosing the name "No Replica," we emphasize our dedication to creating unique, handcrafted designs that stand apart from mass-produced imitations. Our goal is to offer luxury handbags that celebrate true craftsmanship and creativity, rather than simply replicating existing styles.
4. What measures does No Replica Bags take to ensure ethical practices?
- We are committed to ethical practices by maintaining fair trade standards, ensuring transparency in our supply chain, and supporting sustainable practices throughout our production process. We communicate directly with each of our artisans.
5. How does No Replica Bags preserve cultural heritage?
- We preserve cultural heritage by incorporating traditional techniques into our designs and production methods. All of our handbags showcase textiles made from indigenous methods. Our commitment extends to supporting initiatives that benefit the artisans’ communities.
6. Where are your handbags made?
- Our handbags are crafted by skilled artisans in various locations, where traditional techniques are upheld and celebrated. Currently, our artisans are based out of the Caribbean Coast of Colombia and Lagos, Nigeria (with other communities to come!). We ensure each piece is made in the same communities where the techniques were established.
7. How can I learn more about the artisans' techniques?
- We provide information about the traditional techniques used in our handbags and their cultural significance on our website under the Collections pages. We are happy to answer any specific questions you may have!
8. What should I do if I have a question about my order or product?
- For any questions regarding orders or products, please contact our customer service team through our contact page. We’re here to help and ensure your satisfaction with our products.
9. How long will it take to receive my order?
- Shipping times depend on the method chosen and your location. Generally, domestic orders take 3-7 business days, while international orders can take 7-21 business days. Please refer to the shipping options available at checkout for more precise estimates.
10. How can I get involved with or support No Replica Bags?
- You can support us by purchasing our products, sharing our mission with others, and following us on social media. We also welcome inquiries about potential collaborations and partnerships that align with our values.